Shelton, Mindel and Associates

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Shelton, Mindel and Associates

Shelton, Mindel and Associates

American, established 1978
BiographyArchitectural Digest:
Architects Peter Shelton and Lee F. Mindel (right) have long had a passion for building unified environments. "We make the whole greater than the sum of its parts," says Shelton. Since they opened their firm in 1978, they have applied this philosophy to residences worldwide, always mindful of the basics. "To paraphrase Louis Kahn, 'Materials tell you what they want to be,' " says Mindel. "Kahn had an ability to reduce space to its primal elements." The pair also like to add the unexpected. "It's important to make the familiar seem unfamiliar," he says. Whether they're designing a New York loft, a yacht or a Gulf Stream jet, their vision is clear. "We distill ideas to their most pure and meaningful state," explains Mindel. "Simplicity is the most complicated thing to pursue, but when all elements synthesize, they transcend mere enclosure and become an art form."
Person TypeInstitution