Adelaide Paul

Adelaide Paul
Adelaide Paul

Adelaide Paul

American, born 1961
Birth placeEthiopia
BiographyBorn: January 17, 1961, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Studio: Philadelphia, PA. Education: Alfred University, BFA, Summa Cum Laude, 1993; Louisiana State University, MFA, 1996. Awards: Pennsylvania Council for the Arts Grant, 2005; Window of Opportunity Grant, Leeway Foundation, 2004 and 2002; Emerging Artist, NCECA Conference, 2001; Residency at the Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA, 2001. Art: Her current work deals with animal rights and a personal interest in animal vivisection. Paul uses a blend of sensitively modeled porcelain animals (complete and or with selected body parts) and places these under bell jars, a reference both to the Victorian habit of placing small stuffed animals under glass and to the place of animals in medical experiments. She also creates bodies for her animals from brightly colored leather, wonderfully designed and stitched together but hung from walls with loose limbs to convey the helplessness of her subjects.
Person TypePerson