Paul Day

Paul Day
Paul Day

Paul Day

British, born 1967
BiographyBorn: May 2, 1967, England. Studio: Saint Sabine, France. Education: Colchester Institute, 1987-1988; Dartington School of Arts, 1988-1989; Cheltenham School of Art, B.A.1991. Awards: Prince’s Trust Award, 1991; Taylor Foundation Prize, 1993; Laureat, Suisse Foundry Prize, 1999. Commissions: Royal St. Hubert Galleries, Brussels. Battle of Britain Memorial, London. This will be his first public monument to be sited in Britain and his extraordinary vision (made in terra cotta but transferred into bronze) of this event opens to the public in 2005. The terra cotta relieves will be shown at the Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art, Toronto in 2006. Collections: The Palace of Westminster; Lord Jeffery Archer; Brussels Regional Parliament; Hilton H.Q.; Watford Mannheimer Versicherung. Art: Paul Day started to explore the representation of the figure in architectural space using high relief, with Renaissance terra cottas as his inspiration, while in school. His exhibitions attract considerable interest from both the public and media alike: his Paris Exhibition in 2000 had over 8000 visitors and another in Brussels the following year, 5000.
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