Bendann Brothers

Bendann Brothers

Baltimore, MD, 1859–1873
LocationBaltimore, Maryland, United States
BiographyBendann, Daniel
His daguerreian career probably began prior to 1854 in Richmond, Va., where he may have worked for J.H. Whitehurst. It may have been during that time that he daguerreotyped Edgar Allen Poe. In 1854 he arrived in Baltimore to work for Whitehurst. He returned to Richmond in 1856 to open his own gallery; and in 1858 was back in Baltimore, with his brother, and opened a gallery at 205 Baltimore Street in 1859. As Bendann Brothers (David and Daniel), the gallery was listed in 1859-1860 over 205 West Baltimore Street. Daniel lived at 13 South High Street. One of the Bendann brothers was listed in Baltimore in 1858, without a business address, and boarding at the Mansion House. In later years, Bendann recalled taking an image of Edwin Booth in 1853 or 1854; Joseph Jefferson in 1856; and President Buchanan in 1858. Sometime after 1860 the Bendann Brothers were in partnership with Bogardus (A.) in New York City, N.Y. at 1153 Broadway. The partnership was dissolved in 1873, with the retirement of the Bendanns. Information corrected to November, 1997; © 1996, 1997 John S. Craig

Bendann, David
Listed as a daguerreian over 205 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md., 1859-1860, in partnership as Bendann Brothers (Daniel and David). He lived at 13 South High Street (in 1860). One of the Bendann brothers was listed as a daguerreian in Baltimore in 1858. In that year, no business address was listed; and he boarded at the Mansion House. He was not listed in Woods' 1858-1859 directory. Sometime after 1860 the Bendann Brothers were listed in partnership with Bogardus (A.) t 1153 Broadway, New York City, N.Y. The partnership was dissolved in 1873, with the retirement of the Bendanns. Information corrected to November, 1997; © 1996, 1997 John S. Craig
Person TypeCorporate Body