Itzhak Ben-Arieh

Itzhak Ben-Arieh

Swiss, born 1926
Birth placeGeneva, Switzerland
BiographyBorn in Geneva, Switzerland 1926. In Israel since 1948.Photographer for 28 years at the Faculty of Architecture, Technion-Haifa.

Artist Exhibitions:
1970 Sokolov-House, Tel-Aviv
1974 "Situation" Israel Museum,Jerusalem (group)
1979 "White Gallery", Tel-Aviv
1982 "M.Valentine Gallery", Paris
1982 "Shai Danon Gallery", Tel-Aviv
1983 "Graphica 3 gallery", Haifa
1983 "Nikon Gallery", Zurich
1984 "Zoom Portfolio", Paris
1985 "Camera Obscure", Tel-Aviv
1985 "Galerie Claude Perrain", Paris
Person TypePerson