Salopian China Manufactory

Salopian China Manufactory

English, 1775–1799
LocationCaughley, England
BiographyThe Caughley China Works/Salopian China Manufactory was established in Caughley by Thomas Turner in 1772. It is known Turner had worked at the Worcester factory, prior to coming to Caughley. By 1775 he had begun production of a soft paste porcelain at Caughley. He produced blue and white wares, both painted and transfer printed, that were meant to compete with both Worcester and Chinese Export porcelain, which were extremely desirable and popular at that time. Typical marks found on Salopian ware are the letter C, S, Sx, and rarely an impressed Salopian. By 1799, Turner had sold the lease to the factory to Coalport who operated the factory until 1814.
Person TypeCorporate Body