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The Adolpho Leirner Collection of Brazilian Constructive Art
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Vera Pedrosa Martins de Alemeida, "L'homme est le centre = O homem é o centro [consultado]," 1998 (record ID 1110692)
Guy Brett, [Letter to Adolpho Leirner], 1988 (record ID 1232349)
Lygia Clark, "1968:Somos domésticos?," 1980 (record ID 1110516)
Ferreira Gullar, "Do quadro ao não objeto," 1960 (record ID 1091272)
David Medalla, ed., “Lygia Clark at Signals London, 27th May to 3rd July,” 1965 (record ID 1232662)
Frederico Morais, "Contra a arte afluente : o corpo é o motor da "obra"," 1970 (record ID 1110685)
ProvenanceThe artist; Ralph Camargo, São Paulo; Adolpho Leirner, São Paulo, 1973; sold to MFAH, 2006.
Exhibition History"34a. Biennale Internazionale d’Arte," Venice, Italy. July-October 1968.
"Art in Latin America: The Modern Era, 1820-1980," Hayward Gallery, London, May-August 1989.
"Latinamerikansk konst: Jord och Frihet 1830–1970," Nationalmuseum, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden, September-November 1989.
"Arte en Iberoamérica 1820-1980," Palacio de Velázquez. Madrid, December 1989-March 1990.
"Artistas Latinoamericanos del siglo XX," Estación Plaza de Armas, Seville, Spain, August-October 1992.
"Art d’Amérique latine 1911-1968," Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, November 1992-January 1993.
"Lateinamerikanische Kunst," Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany, February-April 1993.
"Latin American Artists of the Twentieth Century," The Museum of Modern Art, New York, June-September 1993.
"Bienal Brasil Século XX," Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, Parque Ibirapuera, São Paulo, Brazil, April-May 1994.
"Latin American Women Artists 1915–1995," Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, March-May 1995; Phoenix Art Museum. Phoenix, AZ. July-October 1995.
"Arte construtiva no Brasil: Coleção Adolpho Leirner," Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. October-December 1998; Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January-March 1999.
"Lygia Clark," Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, June-August 1999.
"Cuasi-corpus: arte concreto y neoconcreto de Brasil," Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Feburary-June 2003; MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Monterrey, México, July-October 2003.
"Dimensions of Constructive Art in Brazil: The Adolpho Leirner Collection," Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Houston, May-September 2007.
“North Looks South: Building the Latin American Art Collection,” The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, June 7 – September 27, 2009.
“Constructed Dialogues: Concrete, Geometric, and Kinetic Art from the Latin American Art Collection,” The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, September 16, 2012 –January 6, 2013.
"Lygia Clark: The Abandonment of Art, 1948–1988," The Museum of Modern Art, New York, May10-August 24, 2014.
Inscriptions, Signatures and Marks
1. Coll / Fulvia e Adolpho Leirner ... (address)
Cataloguing data may change with further research.
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