Martha Tuttle

Martha Tuttle

American, born 1989
BiographyMartha Tuttle, a multidisciplinary artist born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has shown her work throughout the U.S. and abroad. Natural materials of wool, silk, and dye are worked by hand, each resulting piece having undergone an immaterial transfer of energy through Tuttle’s physical and meditative touch. The artist’s relationship to materiality is revealed further by the inclusion of small “stones,” both actual and cast polished metal, and of fabricated steel weights. These elements add another layer of visual incident and mark-making, to further open a dialogue of possibility and substance, light and weight. Overall, the unification of immaterial energy with material form results in constructed canvases and loosely hanging paintings that vibrate with a felt, unseen force.

Solo and two-person exhibitions include Geukens & DeVil, Antwerp; Luce Gallery, Turin; Tilton Gallery, New York; and Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago. Among others, she has been in residence at the Rauschenberg Foundation, Captiva, FL; the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, Brooklyn, NY; the UCross Foundation, Clearmont, WY; and A-Z West, Joshua Tree, CA. Tuttle earned her MFA in Painting from The Yale School of Art in 2015 and her BA at Bard College. She lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.

CV - Martha Tuttle
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