Cédric Gerbehaye

Cédric Gerbehaye
Cédric Gerbehaye

Cédric Gerbehaye

Belgian, born 1977
BiographyBelgian. Born in 1977. Lives in Brussels.
A journalist by training, photography imposed itself upon him as a form of journalistic writing, which he began to practice during visits to Indonesia. In 2002, for his thesis, he chose to work on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was about analysing the deadlock it reached and especially understanding the developments of a failed process, the Oslo process, and the disappointment that this failure had caused, in Israel as well as in Palestine. Once his studies finished, he made new reports in Hebron and Gaza and then took interest in the economic and social crisis raging in Israel, as well as Kurdish issues in Turkey and Iraq. By the "photographic act", he seeks to understand and give evidence of a complex reality, to come closer to the other, while depicting it with an assumed subjectivity. In 2006, Cédric Gerbehaye received two awards at the Prix Photographie Ouverte of the Museum of Photography in Charleroi. In 2007, he took part in the Joop Swart Masterclass of the World Press Photo and received the second prize in young reporter category at the Bayeux award for war correspondents. In 2008, his work "Congo in Limbo" earned him three prestigious awards: a World Press Photo, the Olivier Rebbot Award from the Overseas Press Club of America and the Amnesty International Media Award.
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