Russian, founded 1995
BiographyThree Moscow born artists Tatiana Arzamasova, Lev Evzovich and Evgeny Svyatsky formed AES GROUP in 1987. Their first exhibition abroad was in 1989 at Howard Yezersky Gallery in Boston, US. Since that time works of AES was shown in Russia and Europe on festivals, museums and galleries. Photographer Vladimir Fridkes joined the group in 1995, and the name of the group had been changed to AES+F. AES+F group focuses on photograph, photo- and computer- based, and video art, as well as using other traditional media such as drawing, painting and sculpture. Works of AES/AES+F was widely shown on several biennales, big number of important group and solo shows worldwide, they are in collection of main Russian national museums, museums in Europe such as The State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), The State Russian Museum (St.-Petersburg), Moscow House of Photography, Moderna Museet (Stockholm), MEP (Paris), les Abattoirs (Toulouse), FNAC (Paris), Centre d’Art Contemporain du Georges Pompidou (Paris) etc.
Person TypeCorporate Body