Richard Benson

Richard Benson
Richard Benson

Richard Benson

American, 1943–2017
BiographySince 1966 Richard Benson has worked as a photographer/printer. In 1997 he coauthored A Maritime Album, 100 Photographs and Their Stories, and in 1972 he coauthored Lay this Laurel, an album of photographs of the Augustus Saint-Gaudens Memorial to Robert Gould Shaw. He has photographed extensively in Puerto Rico and Newport, Rhode Island, since 1970. His photographic work, as well as extensive research in the hand printing of photographs in ink in both photogravure and photo offset lithography, has been supported by the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Eakins Press Foundation. In 1986 he was awarded a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship. For the past ten years, much of Mr. Benson’s time has been devoted to the production of fine photographic books, including The Face of Lincoln, Viking Press; The Work of Atget, vols. I, II, III, the Museum of Modern Art; and The American Monument, photographs by Lee Friedlander. His work is represented in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art as well as in numerous private collections. Mr. Benson has taught at Yale since 1979 and was appointed dean of the School in 1996.

From the Yale University School of Art web page.

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