Katrina Moorhead
Katrina Moorhead
Northern Irish, born 1971
ActiveTexas, United States
Birth placeColeraine, Northern Ireland
BiographyA resident of the Glassell School's Core Program from 1996 to 1998, Moorhead came to Texas from Northern Ireland. She attended the Edinburgh College of Art, where she received her undergraduate degree in 1994 and the equivalent of a MA in 1996. Her work was introduced to Houston audiences at the Art of This Century Gallery, and she has since been seen in numerous venues, including the Contemporary Art Museum's 1998 †Simply Beautiful† exhibition, and she has been represented by Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery for the past three years. Most recently, her work was exhibited in New York at Lombard Freid Gallery, in the †Thrifting† exhibition curated by Kerry Inman.Person TypePerson
American, born Cuban, 1915–2022