Grant Macdonald

Grant Macdonald
Grant Macdonald

Grant Macdonald

British, born 1947
BiographyGrant Macdonald was born in London 1947. He studied at the Central School of Arts and Crafts and the Sir John Cass School of Art. His workshops in Southwark employ twenty six people blending traditional and the latest industrial skills. He is a Liveryman of the Goldsmiths' Company and The Middle Warden of the Worshipful Company of the Barbers.
Much of Grant Macdonald's work is for overseas patrons particularly the Middle East with many commissions in 18ct gold, precious and semi-precious stones. He has also been commissioned by several City Livery Companies including the Goldsmiths' Company as well as churches including Lichfield Cathedral. In 1996 he was commissioned by the City of London to design the presentation casket for the Honorary Freedom of the City conferred on President Mandela of the Republic of South Africa.

In 1998 he completed a one and a half ton, eighteen foot high Cross and Orb to go on top of the rebuilt Dresden Cathedral.

Person TypeCorporate Body