Adolpho Leirner Collection of Brazilian Constructive Art

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The cornerstone of the Museum’s Constructive art holdings is the Adolpho Leirner Collection of Brazilian Constructive Art, acquired in 2007. This world-renowned collection consists of more than 100 extraordinary examples by Concrete and Neo-Concrete groups that flourished in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro between 1950 and 1965. Featured prominently in the Leirner Collection is the innovative production by the leaders of these two groups—Lygia Clark, Waldemar Cordeiro, and Hélio Oiticica—as well as works by independent artists such as Milton Dacosta, Mira Schendel, and Alfredo Volpi. The Leirner Collection is featured on the Google Art Project.

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Manifesto ruptura
Waldemar Cordeiro
Letterpress in colors on wove paper
Cartaz e convite para Primeira Exposição Nacional de Arte Concreta
Waldemar Cordeiro
Letterpress and typewriter ink and postage stamps on wove paper
Aparelho cinecromático
Abraham Palatnik
Wooden box with plastic cover, electric motor, colored light bulbs linked to a programmed electric circuit and cardboard paddles
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